How To Edit Pages - Quickstart

Who can edit?

If you don't have a wikidot login, you can

  • edit the comics page to add your own comics.
  • get a wikidot login by clicking on the create account link in the upper right corner.

If you do have a wikidot login, you can:

  • add your comics to the comics pages,
  • leave comments anywhere on the site,
  • edit the how-to pages,
  • create and edit your own profile page.

How do I edit?

If you are allowed to edit the page you are viewing, simply click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. This will open an editor.

If you need to format your text or create links, check out the buttons immediately above the text editing box. If you need more formatting help, you can find it in the "wiki syntax description," which is linked immediately below every text editing box.

Don't forget to add a description of the changes you made!

To learn more, visit the documentation pages.

Creating New Pages

Unless you're an administrator/moderator (and you'd know if you were) there are only two kinds of pages you can create.

One is your own profile page. Only you will be able to edit your profile page. (Well, the mods can edit it, too, but unless you ask us to fix something for you, we promise we won't mess with it.) The wiki software knows that a profile page is yours and should only be editable by you because the pagename begins with the prefix people: and you were the first person to click through and create the page.

  • [[[people:YourUserName]]]
  • [[[people:FirstName LastName]]] (if you want more than one word in your username)

Note: it's not enough to just use the code to make the link. The page isn't yours until you click through, click the "create page" link, and then save what you just created.

The other kind of page you can create is a how-to page. Anyone with a wikidot login can edit a how-to page. The wiki software identifies a how-to page by the pagename beginning with the prefix howto::.

  • [[[howto:NewPageName]]]

Don't worry, if you screw up the naming conventions up on your first go, you ought to be able to fix it. Click "+options" in the bottom row (down near the "edit" button), and then click the "rename" button. It's helpful to check the "check dependencies" box so that the wiki software will update all the relevant existing links for you. If you have trouble, contact one of the Moderators or Administrators and we'll sort it out.

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